November 15, 2014

Life Equals Sacrifice

Living is equal to making choices. That's what I have known since I got my mind on what is reality. People say if you choose something over something, you have to be ready for whatever consequences it may bring.  Some are making drastic decisions in life and in the end they will be finding someone to blame. Since knowing and accepting the truth is the most painful of all, some end up living their lives in denial.

What makes life worth living? It is when you choose something or someone to be your reason to live. Having those aspects in life will keep your feet moving no matter how troublesome the road you are walking into. However, humans have a certain point in life when they raise their hands in surrender. This is where you yearn for answers as to whether you made the right choice or not. The question "why" is always present.  But we also have to bear in mind that there are many factors affecting the choice we made.  People around us always give the biggest impact to it.

Sacrifice... they say, that's what we do for people we love. But the question is, how much can you bear? Can the other party do the same thing? Loving takes two to tango. Unrequited love is like a double-edge sword repeatedly stabbing every flesh in your body but some people choose to have their eyes closed and continue putting an effort hoping that the other party is going to do the same in the future.

Nevertheless, up to what extent? Whatever the answer in here, life must have a purpose.

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