December 6, 2014

CDO-Camiguin: A Self-birthday Gift

It's been a long time since I traveled by myself and frankly, I miss being alone. Because of that, I have asked my husband's permission for me to travel myself on my birthday and I was granted, of course.

October 15, 2014, I headed to Cagayan de Oro. There I met my former roommate who in turn became like my younger sister. I have planned to meet her son who is my godson; first time to meet. Fortunately, they picked me up at the airport and dropped me off at Fem's Vines, where I spent my two nights. After I checked in, I dined out with them. An advance birthday party for me since the next day was my big day.

Although, I had a hard time communicating with the people around, I still enjoyed the silence since I cannot understand them. I felt like I had my own world. LOL!

The next few days of my trip was spent in Camiguin. Meeting people for the first time was a great experience especially if they just made a big impact in my life. I can say, I have no regrets meeting them.

Here's a short video of my trip.  Pardon me, I'm a noob in taking and making it.

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