April 27, 2016

Moon Shots

It has been my desire to take shots of the moon. Because of that, I tracked down the phases of the moon on the calendar, looked out the window every night and even go around the community just to find the moon! LOL! Well, sometimes I can't see it from our window.

I did my best to take good shots although I admit I am not that good yet. I still have to learn a lot in setting my camera, how to position my tripod perfectly and even not to breath for a while when handheld. hahaha!

I was so excited when I saw this since I have been interested to take shots of the phases of the moon. However, it took me several shots before I was able to get that one.

My sister in-law often reminded me of the moon once the clock stroke 6 pm. There was one time when I was still doing my exercises and she excitedly told me the moon was already out. haha!

With these two shots below, I had to stay at the farm for several minutes. Because of that, I had mosquito bites all over. haha! 

I guess I have to buy a telescope to have better shots next time. In the meantime, I'll make use of the lens I have for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!! I gonna love that moon. :)
