January 20, 2023



Here is my attempt in writing an acrostic poetry. 

Live today as if it’s your last, for tomorrow is unpredictable.

Inspire others in your own little way, for the world is full of despaid,

you could be a light to anyone.

Feel every emotion, may it be sadness or happiness, for it is a gift, 

but never exaggerate as it will lose its fit.

Empathize as much as you can, for each road is different, you may have walked with the light, 

them with the dark.

Illuminate your day with a smile,  for it could be reciprocated by those who need it,

and, it makes you feel younger.

Safeguard your secrets, for not all have good intentions, but never be too suspicious, some can be trusted.

Believe in yourself, for everyone is given the chance to become better, never lose hope as long as you live.

Entertain others opinion, for they can help shape your principle, remember, each is a gift.

Accept your mistakes, for only then you can change, we are not born perfect,

but we can strive for excellence.

Understand differences, for it makes life more challenging, it could be a reason to keep going.

Treat yourself from time to time, for our body is like a machine, we do better when we are energized.

Influence the young with positive thoughts, but teach them the beauty of the opposite,

for life needs balance.

Fill your heart and mind with respect, for it is a foundation of  a relationship, 

without it, the world is in chaos, and you’ll be driving a sinking ship.

Uncover your true potential, for no one will and no one can, it is you who will grow through 

what you go through then.

 Leave your past after learning from it, for life is a journey,  you need to travel light with self-honesty.

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