February 11, 2016

Poetry: He's Only a Dream

He's Only a Dream
© by: Susan G. C
composed: 2.11.2016 @ 3:30 p.m
His hair, curly, black, as black as the coal mine
His eyes, so alive like those star you see up high
His nose, not pointy, as soft as a baby's skin
His lips, when kissed arousing feelings within

His voice, not audacious but tranquilizing
His smile often shy;always sly
His laughter loud sometimes mocking
His moves gentleman yet agile

He was mine once so I thought
He'd treated me as his so I beleived
But he'd quickly left like a storm in the dawn
He'd broken me whole made me grieve

Now, he's the man in my dreams
Yes, I create his image before sleep
Even trying to smell his scent only I can perceive
My mind revisiting our trip 'till it bleeds

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